Connecting to Petra Wallet

Connecting to Petra

To use Petra with your dApp, your users must first install the Petra Chrome extension (opens in a new tab) in their browser. Petra injects an aptos object into the window (opens in a new tab) of any web app the user visits.

To check if the user has installed Petra, perform the below check:

const isPetraInstalled = window.aptos;

If Petra is not installed, you can prompt the user to first install Petra and provide the below installation instructions. For example, see below:

const getAptosWallet = () => {
  if ('aptos' in window) {
    return window.aptos;
  } else {'', `_blank`);

Installing Petra

To install Petra on your Chrome browser, download the latest stable version from the Chrome Web Store (opens in a new tab).

Connecting to Petra

After confirming that the web app has the aptos object, we can connect to Petra by calling wallet.connect().

When you call wallet.connect(), it prompts the user to allow your web app to make additional calls to Petra, and obtains from the user basic information such as the address and public key.

See the example code below:

const wallet = getAptosWallet();
try {
  const response = await wallet.connect();
  console.log(response); // { address: string, address: string }
  const account = await wallet.account();
  console.log(account); // { address: string, address: string }
} catch (error) {
  // { code: 4001, message: "User rejected the request."}

NOTE: After the user has approved the connnection for the first time, the web app's domain will be remembered for the future sessions.

Disconnecting Petra

When you want the web app to forget about the connection status with Petra, you can do this by calling wallet.disconnect() in your web app. See below:

await wallet.disconnect();

NOTE: After disconnecting, the web app must reconnect to Petra to make requests.